(Important Note: the YOUNDP FAQ will be updated based on the questions we receive from you, the users: please click on "Your Feedback" to share your thoughts, questions, and ideas for the site with us!)
When I open YOUNDP I see a warning message about "secure content" (see below): what should I do?
This message is a standard warning that appears whenever an Intranet page links to something outside of the Intranet itself, such as an embedded video or an external webpage: it is safe to click on "Show all content" to see the page in full.
In general, please try to use Microsoft Explorer as your internet browser when accessing the Intranet. UNDP uses many Microsoft products for our work (such as Outlook for email, and Office for documents) and this is also true for the intranet, which is based in Microsoft Sharepoint. For this reason it is best to view and work on the Intranet using Explorer rather than other browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.
Also, please be aware that the Intranet will look different than it does on your computer when viewed on portable devices such as tablets (iPad, Galaxy, Kindle, etc) or smartphones.
I am not familiar with the term "onboarding": how is it different from "orientation" or "induction"?
UNDP uses “introduction” as an umbrella term to address 3 important steps in the first year of new or reassigned personnel. These steps include onboarding, orientation and induction, defined as follows:
Onboarding gets you up-to-speed on your agency;
Orientation gets you up-to-speed on your duty station; and
Induction gets you up-to-speed on your role.
Is there a body that represents the interests of staff members?
Yes there is. The UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Staff Council has as its primary objective to promote and safeguard the rights, interests, and welfare of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS staff members (Please note: applicable only for staff holding a PA, CA, FTA or TA appointment).
You can find more information about the Staff Council on their website: