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ERM > Annex 2_Examples of risk per risk category

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Annex 2: Examples of risk per risk category


UNDP Risk Categories include the following: (1) Social and Environmental, (2) Financial, (3) Operational, (4) Organizational, (5) Political, (6) Regulatory, (7) Strategic, and (8) Safety and Security.


1.      Category 'social and environmental' refers to so-called 'risks from' group, meaning, risks the project might cause to its social and environmental context.


flood risk consideration is not factored in project designSections of critical infrastructure (e.g. hospital) developed within the project might be subject of heighted flood risk after the project completion

Exposure of assets and people to flood

Additional costs for flood protection measures

Reputational consequences


2.      Category 'financial' refers to so-called 'risk to' group, meaning risks to financial soundness of the project, programme, organization as a whole.



Delays in funds transfer

Misinterpretation of roles and responsibilities between project partners

Project delivery (i.e. budget utilization %) might be below expected by the end of the year

Uncomplete project realization

Reputational consequences

Financial losses


3.      Category 'operational' refers to so-called 'risk to' group, meaning risks to the UNDP's operations (in UNDP terminology – projects and programmes) at country level, burau level, or corporate level. The range of sub-categories varies to capture the most important typology of risks.



Continuous reforms within the organization

Uncertainty about new roles and responsibilities

Uncertainty about administrative procedures

Transition period might cause higher level of uncertainty within project, programme, organization at large

Organizational performance below optimal

Staff morale negatively impacted

Reputational consequences




4.      Category 'organizational' refers to so-called 'risk to' group, meaning risks to project, programme, and organizational performance but those related to the specific processes that ensures organizational effectiveness, i.e. governance within UNDP, or knowledge management, or internal control measures, etc.



Outdated HR policies

Lack of flexibility in HR procedures

Human mistakes in processing

Overloaded HR staff

Time required for the staff recruitment might hamper project, programme implementation

Delays of start of the project

Reduced time for delivering project activities and results

Quality of project deliverables negatively impacted

Negative impact on donor's trust

Possible financial losses within the project

Reputational consequences



5.      Category 'political' refers to so-called 'risk to' group, meaning risks to project, programme, and organizational effectiveness that are external and caused by changes in the political context where the project, programme, and organization is placed.


Change in the government due to electionPolitical will of the government in engaging in climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies and activities might be deteriorated

Pipeline projects put on-hold

Revision of UNDAF/CPD

Financial losses

Reputational impact



6.      Category 'regulatory' refers to so-called 'risk to' group, meaning risks to project, programme, and organizational effectiveness caused through a change either in the regulatory framework in the country of operation, or international laws, or the internal rules and policies within UNDP itself.


Adoption of new law on issuing temporary visas for foreignersChanges required on how UNDP Country Office contracts international consultants might delays recruitment in the next 6 months

Delays in project and programme deliverables

Reputational consequences

Financial consequences


7.      Category 'safety and security' refers to so-called 'risk to' group, meaning risks to projects, programmes, and organization as a whole related to changes in the safety and security context around them.


Recurrent events of civil unrest in province A in country B since March 2018Access to project site in province A might be limitedSecurity of the project staff traveling to that location might be deteriorated