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UNDP Risk Categories

1.Social and Environmental2. Financial 3.Operational 4.Organizational5. Political2.Regulatory 7. Strategic 8. Safety and Security
  1. Human rights
  2. Gender
  3. Biodiversity and use of natural resources
  4. Climate change and disaster
  5. Community health and safety
  6. Labour conditions/standards
  7. Cultural heritage
  8. Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  9. Displacement and resettlement
  10. Pollution and resource efficiency
  11. Stakeholder engagement
  12. Sexual exploitation and abuse



  1. Cost recovery
  2. Value for money
  3. Corruption and fraud
  4. Fluctuation in credit rate, market, currency
  5. Delivery


  1. Alignment with national priorities
  2. Responsiveness to lessons learned and evaluations
  3. Leadership & management
  4. Flexibility and opportunity management
  5. Synergy potential (linking with other initiatives as relevant)
  6. Reporting and communication
  7. Partnership
  8. Capacity development of national partners
  9. Engagement of national partners in decision-making
  10. Transition and exit strategy
  11. Occupational safety, health and well-being




  1. Governance
  2. Monitoring
  3. Independence and quality of evaluation
  4. Knowledge management
  5. Grievances
  6. Due diligence of private sector partners
  7. Human Resources
  8. Budget availability and cash flow
  9. Internal control
  10. Procurement
  11. Innovating, piloting, experimenting,




  1. Government commitment
  2. Political will
  3. Political instability
  4. Change/ turnover in government




  1. Changes in the regulatory framework within the country of operation
  2. Changes in the international regulatory framework affecting the whole organization
  3. Deviation from UNDP internal rules and regulations




  1. Theory of change
  2. Alignment with UNDP       Strategic priorities
  3. Capacities of the partners
  4. Roles and responsibilities among partners
  5. Code of conduct and ethics
  6. Public opinion and media
  7. Synergy with UN / Delivery as One




  1. Armed Conflict
  2. Terrorism
  3. Crime
  4. Civil Unrest
  5. Natural Hazards
  6. Manmade Hazards