Following are some tips to help you acquire the big picture knowledge you need to become an effective organizational member at UNDP. Please note that these tips are general and largely agency-specific (as opposed to role- or country-specific). In addition to these actions, you will of course need to take steps to understand your role and your duty station
By the end of your first month at UNDP, consider accomplishing the following (in addition to the suggested actions in YOUR FIRST WEEK QuickStart Guide):
Seek Information
Complete your one-on-one meetings with direct colleagues to understand the work they do, how they perceive the way forward for your office and the organization as a whole, and how you can collaborate with them.
Get familiar with the Results and Competencey Assessment (RCA) System. Finalize your key results, discuss them with your supervisor, together with your learning plan, and insert them in the RCA system.
Spend time on I-Seek, the UN Intranet, to get familiar with the full scope of information there.
Review the UN Organigram, Staff Rules, Standards of Conduct, and Ombudsman Report.
Check with the Financial Disclosure Focal Point in your office whether you are required to file a financial disclosure statement. If you are, you will have to do so within 60 days of entering duty. Feel free to contact the Ethics Office if you need more information at or at
Build Relationships
Introduce yourself to the head of your office. Ask if you can have a 30 minute meeting to 1) understand his/her leadership vision and brand, and 2) share your aspirations and vision for your work.
Identify knowledgeable colleagues in your area of expertise at your duty station. Invite them to lunch so that you can learn from them. Try doing the same (virtually) on Teamworks. Reach out to some inspiring colleagues to introduce yourself and ask for concrete tips for your work.
Learn & Share Knowledge
Complete the six corporate mandatory courses (see LMS).
Attend Teamworks training, if available. Continue exploring Teamworks communities to identify those that can positively impact your work.