|  | | | How to | | | |
Welcome to the eRecruit helpdesk HR portal.**In this field you may find the answer to your query, based on your selection of choices above.**Please select a category above and subcategories to specify your query.**Kind regards,*eRecruit/eHire
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|  | | | How to | Create a Job Opening | Submitting Classifcation Memo | |
In eRecruit ,the position number is a pre-requisite to post a job. The position number is the result of the classification, hence you will no longer need to submit a classification memo.
| no | | How to - Create a Job Opening - Submitting Classifcation Memo | yes |
|  | | | How to | Create a Job Opening | On Behalf of Another UN Agency | |
At the moment you cannot recruit on behalf of other agencies, however the project team has set as one top priority for the next release in order to make this possible. The project team will inform users as soon as this functionality is delivered.
| no | | How to - Create a Job Opening - On Behalf of Another UN Agency | yes |
|  | | | How to | Create a Job Opening | Adding Free Text Field | |
The purpose of the free text field is to give you, as a hiring manager, the ability to highlight any specific requirements for the vacancy. The Free text field is not mandatory, therefore feel free to leave it blank if needed.
**The text entered in the free text field will be displayed in the header of the vacancy announcement. This can be used, for example, for local positions when only a specific nationality is eligible to apply. i.e. Only nationals of Pakistan are eligible to apply.**The free text field can also be used for when recruiting for a specific position, such as a driver. In addition to years of experience, degree and language, a driver must have a valid drivers license. I.e. Driver’s license is a requirement for this job.
| no | | How to - Create a Job Opening - Adding Free Text Field | yes |
|  | | | How to | Create a Job Opening | Changing the Job Title | |
You can only change the job title at the time of vacancy creation. Throughout the vacancy creation there are two ways to change the title, either you change the title in the very first screen called ‘Enter Primary Job Opening Information’ or in the ‘Job posting tab’. Click on the [Add Job Posting] and in the following screen that appears, the title field can be edited.
| no | | How to - Create a Job Opening - Changing the Job Title | yes |
|  | | | How to | Create a Job Opening | Entering Job Posting Details | |
To enter the Job Posting details in eRecruit, simply copy the text in the job description and paste it into the relevant fields in eRecruit.
| no | | How to - Create a Job Opening - Entering Job Posting Details | yes |
|  | | | How to | Create a Job Opening | Formatting a Job Posting | |
There are specific guidelines available to help you format a Job Posting. These guidelines are specific to UNDP corporate font, Font-size, Bulleting, Margins, Header, Spaces, Bold, Underline, Italic, etc. The guidelines for formatting a Job Posting can be found in the Training Materials section (eRecruit site).
| no | | How to - Create a Job Opening - Formatting a Job Posting | yes |
|  | | | How to | Create a Job Opening | Adding a new Competency | |
UNDP now has an updated competency framework, which is being integrated with our new Job description (JD) template. However this new framework is not yet available in Atlas or in eRecruit.**Until the new framework is fully integrated with UNDP’s vacancy management and recruitment processes, the competency setup will be managed as follows:**- No new competencies will be added to the current set of values in eRecruit,*- UNDP OHR is working on integrating the new competency framework with our Talent Management processes, including position management, recruitment, learning, successio**Within eRecruit, you will need to use the free text competency section in the ‘Job Posting’ to detail the competencies for that vacancy.**This also means that, for now, you will not be able to use the integrated Interview Console for interview assessment. The reason for this is that the competencies that can be assessed in the Interview Console are integrated with the competencies used during Vacancy Creation. Since not all new competencies are available, we must therefore ask that throughout this pilot you continue to conduct the interview and prepare the interview report outside the system.
| no | | How to - Create a Job Opening - Adding Competency Questions | yes |
|  | | | How to | Set Up Screening Questions | Determining Screening Criteria | |
The screening criteria should be entered in eRecruit and correspond to the Job Description (i.e. required criteria types that are marked as required or desired)
| no | | How to - Set Up Screening Questions - Determining Screening Criteria | yes |
|  | | | How to | Set Up Screening Questions | Selecting Screening Questions | |
Screening question should be directly related to the minimum requirements as stated in the job description. **Screening questions can be used to determine required and desired qualifications for potential candidates. **When adding screening questions, make sure that all questions selected starts with [1], the question drop down is shared with other partner agencies and [1] is used to indicate [UNDP].
| no | | How to - Set Up Screening Questions - Add Screening Questions | yes |
|  | | | How to | Set Up Screening Questions | Creating a New Screening Question | |
We have already included some screening questions in eRecruit, however new can easily be added. Make sure that you only select questions starting with a [1], the screening question table contains also screening questions for UNFPA [4] and UN Women [3].**To ensure compliance and avoid question duplications, new screening questions must only be added by the project team. To add a new screening question, please use this web-form and include the following information:
**How should the question read?**What are the answer options?
| no | | How to - Set Up Screening Questions - Creating a New Screening Question | yes |
|  | | | How to | Set Up Screening Questions | Creating a Question Load | |
In the current system we have included a few question loads, however new ones can easily be added. A question load is a set of questions, and it could save time if you create question loads for vacancies used for frequent recruitments. Make sure that you only select questions loads starting with [1]. This is because the question load table contains also screening questions for UNFPA and UN Women.**To ensure compliance and avoid question duplications, new questions loads must only be added by the project team. To add a new question load, please use this web-form and include the following information in the order you want the questions to be asked:**Question 1**How should the question read?**What are the answer options? **Question 2**How should the question read?**What are the answer options?
| no | | How to - Set Up Screening Questions - Creating a Question Load | yes |
|  | | | How to | Set Up Screening Questions | Using Adhoc Questions | |
We encourage you to not use Adhoc questions. The reason is that you can never utilize the auto screening feature in eRecruit on these questions.**Use this web form instead and send any screening question requests to the project team. We will include them into the screening question table and make them available for you when creating the job.
| no | | How to - Set Up Screening Questions - Using Adhoc Questions | yes |
|  | | | How to | Set Up Screening Criteria | Submitting Recruitment Strategy | |
Please use this form to submit the recruitment strategy and the helpdesk team will upload the strategy to the job posting. Please note that the “Screening criteria setup” is an important part of your recruitment strategy. Most importantly, this is where you set up how the system will rank and screen applicants.
| no | | How to - Set Up Screening Questions - Submitting Recruitment Strategy | yes |
|  | | | How to | Approve Job Opening | Approval Process | |
In order to approve a job opening, a special admin role must be assigned to the designated approver.**When a Job Opening has been submitted for approval, an e-mail notification is automatically sent to the designated approver(s) with details concerning the requested approval action.
| no | | How to - Approve Job Opening - Approval Process | yes |
|  | | | How to | Approve Job Opening | Approval Status | |
Approvers have the option of either 1) Approving the job opening or 2)Denying the job opening. **After a decision has been taken by the approver, you will receive a notification of the outcome.
| no | | How to - Approve Job Opening - Approval Status | yes |
|  | | | How to | Approve Job Opening | for Service Contracts | |
During this pilot phase, we have decided that Service Contract (SC) posts will be approved centrally. **Eventually, offices will be able to take care of this approval locally. **The reason for keeping approval centralized for now is that the system is new for everyone and until users are used to navigate the new system we think it is helpful if the project team supports the offices to review jobs before they go public.** When you feel ready and comfortable to approve SC jobs, please contact the project team for further discussion in order transfer the approval responsibility to your office.
| no | | How to - Approve Job Opening - Service Contracts | yes |
|  | | | How to | Publish Job Opening | Posting Internally or Externally | |
The job posting functionality is planned to undergo some changes and improvements in the future. For the time being, you can advertise externally and/or internally. This setup is made in the Job posting tab under [Add Job posting]. Scroll to the end of the screen and find a table called [Job Posting Destination].
External posting: Select [UNDP internet] as Destination and [External Posting] as Posting type
Internal posting: Select [UNDP internal posting] as Destination and [External Posting] as Posting type
| no | | How to - Publish Job Opening - Posting Internally or Externally | yes |
|  | | | How to | Publish Job Opening | Publishing in an Additional Language | |
This feature is being considered in future releases.
| no | | How to - Publish Job Opening - Publishing in an Additional Language | yes |
|  | | | How to | Edit an Open Vacancy | Extending the Deadline | |
It is possible to extend the deadline in eRecruit. Go into the job posting and scroll down to the bottom. Change the closing date, press ok and save. After, the new date will apply on the posting.**Please be aware that this field is audited and that you should upload a document to the [Activity and Attachments] tab that explains the reason for the extension. Read more about how to upload documents under the – upload document sub-category
| no | | How to - Edit an Open Vacancy - Extending the Deadline | yes |
|  | | | How to | Edit an Open Vacancy | Changing the Closing Date | |
In the job posting tab, you can change the closing date yourself. Go to find job opening and enter the job id. Press the job posting tab and scroll to the button of the screen. The change does first apply after you have pressed save. Please upload a document reasoning the extension.
| no | | How to - Edit an Open Vacancy - Changing the Closing Date | yes |
|  | | | How to | Edit an Open Vacancy | Editing Job Posting Location: Internal to both Internal/External posting | |
In the job posting tab, you can change the posting destination yourself. Go to find job opening and enter the job id. Press the job posting tab and scroll to the button of the screen. The change does first apply after you have pressed save. Please upload a document reasoning the change of job posting destination.
| no | | How to - Edit an Open Vacancy - Editing Job Posting Location: Internal to both Internal/External posting | |
|  | | | How to | Edit an Open Vacancy | Editing Job Posting Text | |
Use the form. Attached a screen shot of the text you would like to change and write how the new text should read. Text changes can only be approved if they have no impact on the vacancy. If the change is larger, the job must be reposted.
| no | | How to - Edit an Open Vacancy - Editing Job Posting Text | |
|  | | | How to | Edit an Open Vacancy | Uploading Documents | |
Enter the job opening to which the document should be uploaded, scroll down to the end of the page. Click the hyperlink called [Activity and Attachments]. Upload your document under the [Attachments]. **Make sure that the name is not too long. We have faced problems when attempting to upload documents with lengthy file names.
| no | | How to - Edit an Open Vacancy - Uploading Documents | |
|  | | | How to | Screen Applicants | Eligibility Definitions | |
There are 10 types of applicant eligibility defined in eRecruit:**1) External - External applicant with no prior UN experience**2) External with UN experience (F) – External applicant and formerly employed in the UN common system under any contract type including ( PA, CA, FTA, 100 series, 200 series)**3) External, former UNDP staff member - External applicant and formerly employed with UNDP staff under the followingcontract types (PA, CA, FTA, 100 series, 200 series)**4) External with UNDP experience (F) – External applicant and formerly employed with UNDP under the followingcontract types (300, IC, SSA, SC, UNV, Intern)**5) External with UNDP TA (F) - External applicant and formerly employed with UNDP under the following contract type(TA)**6) External with UN experience (C) – External applicant and currently employed in the UN common system under anycontract except (PA, CA, FTA)**7) External with UNDP experience (C) – External applicant and currently employed with UNDP under the following contract types (IC, SSA, UNV, Intern)**8) External, UNDP TA (C) - External applicant and currently employed with UNDP under the following contract (TA)
**9) UN common system – UN Common system applicant currently employed with one of the following contract type (PA, CA, FTA)
**10) Internal – Internal UNDP staff currently employed with one of the following contract types (FTA, PA, CA). This eligibility also includes applicants holding a FTA but haven’t yet been assessed by a compliance board/ panel.
| no | | How to - Screen Applicants - Eligibility Definitions | yes |
|  | | | How to | Screen Applicants | Determining Eligibility | |
The process for determining Applicant Eligibility is as follows:*Applicant completes eligibility criteria at the time of application in personal history form (UN experience, currently/formerly employed, UN agency)*Based on applicant eligibility business requirements, eRecruit automatically screens applicants against eligibility criteria.*Applicant eligibility is determined and eligibility type is displayed in the screening dashboard.
| no | | How to - Screen Applicants - Determining Eligibility | yes |
|  | | | How to | Screen Applicants | Screening Phases | |
There are four defined screening phases in eRecruit: *Phase 1: Online Screening. This is the automatic screening process performed by the system. This screening is automatically conducted for each applicant based on self-assessed years of work experience, highest educational level, language, current or former UN experience.*Phase 2: Pre-Long listing. The HR admin / screener conducts the pre-long listing procedure based on applicant's details in terms of years of work experience, highest educational level, language, current or former UN experience.*Phase 3: Long-listing. The HR admin / screener conducts the Long-listing procedure which is a further validation of each applicant's details (including answers to screening questions) *Phase 4: Short-Listing. The HR admin / screener conducts the Short-listing procedure which is a further validation of each applicant's details.
| no | | How to - Screen Applicants Screening Phases | yes |
|  | | | How to | Screen Applicants | Adding a Comment | |
When adding a comment to an applicant record, you first must change the status in order for the comment to appear.
| no | | How to - Screen Applicants - Adding a Comment | yes |
|  | | | How to | Screen Applicants | Starting the Pre-Longlisting Process | |
You can start the pre-long list at any time. However, you must not finalize the pre-long listing before the job has closed.
| no | | How to - Screen Applicants - Prelonglisting Process | yes |
|  | | | How to | Screen Applicants | Unable to Access Screening Console | |
In order to access the screening console, you must first be granted screening rights for the particular job opening. If you have been grated the appropriate rights and are still encountering the error message, try clearing the cache/history in your web browser.
| no | | How to - Screen Applicants - Unable to Access Screening Console | yes |