Following are some tips to help you acquire the big picture knowledge you need to become an effective organizational member at UNDP. Please note that these tips are general and largely agency-specific (as opposed to role- or country-specific). In addition to these actions, you will of course need to take steps to understand your role and your duty station.
By the end of your first three months at UNDP, consider accomplishing the following (in addition to the suggested actions in the YOUR FIRST WEEK and YOUR FIRST MONTH QuickStart Guides):
Seek Information
Seize and/or create opportunities to meet and hear from UN and UNDP Senior Management so that you have a solid understanding of vision and mission.
Attend as many UN and UNDP events as you can (e.g. town halls, brown bags, briefings) to get familiar with UNDP’s business language and process and to meet colleagues.
Read the UNDP Human Development Report and the UN Charter.
Build Relationships
Identify a mentor. (UNDP doesn't have an agency-level mentoring program yet, but don't let this stop you from informally locating a seasoned colleague who you think can be a trusted counselor and/or teacher to you during your service at UNDP.)
Learn & Share Knowledge
Seek training to build competencies that you may lack or that are weak (we all have something to improve!).
Regularly contribute to Teamworks, adding colleagues and content and joining relevant communities.