​Approve a Maternity Leave Request (as HR Focal Point)

1. The approval flow for a Maternity Leave Request is that it first forwarded for approval to the Supervisor. Once the Supervisor approves the leave an email is forwarded to the HR Focal Point for review of the Eligibility criteria. The link in bottom of the email will take you directly to the leave request.

or you can log into Atlas HCM (the HR module in Atlas) and click the folder eServices eServices/My Leave/Approve Absence Requests 


2. To process Maternity Leave you will need to ensure that the SC Holder is eligible, that required documentation has been received (medical doctor or midwife certification of expected date of birth), and contract period is sufficient to cover the Maternity Leave. 

3. Best practice when you receive a ML request for processing is to inform the SC Holder on the process going forward. A way to save time is to insert the standard email for ML within the Leave Modules text box for approver comments. The staff member will then receive this information automatically with the approval notification.  


  • If you click Approve you will be asked to confirm the approval.  

  • If you click No to this Approval Confirmation then you are taken back to the particular absence request. If you click Yes you will receive an on-screen confirmation. Click OK

4. In addition to the on-screen confirmation you will also receive email notification that it has been approved. 
