Home Leave if family is travelling alone

If the family is travelling alone and in advance, the Leave Monitor will need to deduct 24 HL points in the month when the family is travelling, but no annual leave is deducted. HR eServices is not currently able to cater for this situation.

If you as a staff member travel first, then 24 HL points and the leave balance are deducted automatically in eServices.

If Family travels alone and first:
1) Fill in the Request for Home Leave​ form​ for the family travel (and have Leave Monitor deduct 24 HL points, no AL is deducted)
2) Apply through eServices for your own travel and have your Leave Monitor adjust the HL points balance by adding 24 points; otherwise 48 points are deducted in total.

If SM travels first:
a) Apply through eServices as you would normally do (in the case there is no issue since the HL points are automatically deducted with the first travel)