How to apply for Official Business
Go to
eServices/My Leave – click the icon for Official Business.
Start Date and End Date and click Calculate Duration.
Select the Supervisor
and use the magnifying glass to look up the name of the Approving Authority.
Enter the estimated amount for the travel (ticket and DSA) and currency.
Enter the
itinerary, include the Time of the day for calculation of DSA. Enter one row
for each leg of the travel; e.g. if you have a return travel, then enter two
lines. You can add a line by clicking the + sign.
If you
have a personal deviation, then click the tick-box for ‘Personal Deviation’.
Enter the
COA for the Official Business. (If you do not know the COA then please ask the
Head of the ‘sponsoring’ unit. If the budget is split between several units or
projects, you can indicate several COA lines, and add a percentage to each
Mission TOR or other relevant information.
relevant information in the comment field; e.g. back-stopping arrangement.