​View Absence Request History

1. You can view the absence history in the link Absence Request History in the left menu or View Absence Request History in the bottom of the leave request. 



2. When you click the link View Absence Request History you will see the following screen. 

Note: Even though there is an active Edit button you can click on, it is not always that you can edit it.  From the time when you have submitted a leave, and until it has been approved or denied, it is not possible to edit (it will in this period have the status Submitted). In this period it is only possible to cancel the leave request. 

3. If the absence has been approved, denied/Re-work then you can click Edit to edit the request. If you edit the request, and submit it again, it will start over with the approval process; meaning that an email will go to the supervisor for approval, etc.  
