Atlas Absence Record Card yearly sign-off


The Absence Record Card should be signed yearly by staff following the finalization of a given year, no later than February of the following year. The Absence Record Card will be signed by 1) the staff member; 2) the direct supervisor; and 3) the leave monitor.  

The Absence Record Card can be printed from Atlas / UN Reports / Global Payroll / Absence Report Card. See FAQ on how to print the Absence Record Card.

TIP: instead of printing one Absence Record Card at the time, a leave monitor or HR can print the Absence Record Cards for all staff in the office in one report. Or print all the Absence Record Card for all IP staff in the office in one report.

The signed Absence Record Card is filed by the leave monitor for audit purposes.


Email from OHR Director 21 September 2015, informing that annual leave records are now exclusively maintained in Atlas and there is no requirement for the monthly hardcopy certification, and that the Absence Record Card should be signed off yearly, by 15 February.
