SC Certified / Uncertified Sick Leave
25. How do I apply for SL?
Select the respective icon for the SL on the main page of e-Services:

26. How do I apply for Uncertified Sick Leave (USL)?
Select the respective icon for the SL on the main page of e-Services, then in the dropdown menu select the Leave type: Uncertified Sick Leave:
USL is part of the sick leave: 3 days in total for the 12 months of contract period and is part of the total sick leave period.
Hence, days used as USL are deducted from the total balance of the SL.

27. Does CSL/USL need to be approved by my leave monitor/supervisor in e-Services?
USL (sick leave without certification) does not require approval from the supervisor or the leave monitor, however e-mail notifications are generated.
The certified SL requires approval from your supervisor. Once your supervisor approves the CSL request, your leave monitor is notified.
28. How many days do I have for USL and what is the maximum number of consecutive days of USL?
Sick Leave of 3 days or less (cumulative or consecutive) in contract period of min 6 months and max 12 months does not require medical certification. For any additional medically related absence, medical certificate is required for the rest of the contract period.
29. Do I need to attach/upload my medical report/certificate in Atlas for the CSL
Yes, for CSL request you need to upload the respective medical certification from your doctor.
30. Can I apply for a CSL in advance
Yes, it is possible to apply for the CSL in advance, provided it is supported by the medical certificate.
31. Can I carry over any unused SL days to my renewed contract
The calculation of the SL for SCs is done in accordance with the SC contract and is linked to the contract duration up to 12 months at a time. After 12 months of service (including amendments) unused SL is not carried over to a next contract extension, the calculation starts from the new extension up to a next 12 months. Also, unused SL is not commutable to cash at the end of service/contract period.
32. Can I apply for extended CSL beyond the contract end date
No leave should be granted beyond the contract expiry date. The SL days when applicable should be applied for and taken within the existing contract period.