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MFA Services FAQ

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The purpose of this FAQ is to provide information on the conditions and procedures for registering with and/or obtaining a Residence Permit/ID Card from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Denmark. It also deals with questions related to duty free imports, taxes on goods and services purchased locally and imports or local purchases of motor vehicles. Staff members should familiarize themselves with these guidelines. GSSU MFA Services will assist in processing different requests.


I am a national of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland and was internationally recruited by UNDP. Do I need to register with the Protocol Department, MFA? What type of card will I be issued?

As a national of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland who has been internationally recruited (GS, IP or IC), you may decide between the following two options:

1) registration at the Protocol Department with an Administrative CPR number including the right, upon application, to obtain the Special Health Security Certificate, or

2) registration with the State Administration followed by application to be registered with the municipality with a (resident) CPR-number and consequently a Health Security Certificate. Afterwards, you are strongly recommended to apply for a representative ID Card from the MFA.

In case of option 1) you will be registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Protocol Department in Denmark. You will be issued an Identity Card attesting to your identity. This ID card includes an "administrative" CPR-number. You will also receive a letter confirming that: (i) you are registered with the Protocol Department, (ii) carry a Danish CPR-number, and (iii) you have the right to stay in Denmark without a residence permit for as long as you are registered with the Protocol Department.

Please not that Persons holding permits issued by the Protocol Department cannot have residence permit/certificate with the State Administration. 

However, if at a later stage you choose to be registered with the Danish authorities, GSSU MFA Services should be informed about this as you first need to be de-registered from the Protocol Department before getting registered with the State Administration. Afterwards, you (only staff member) are required to apply for an ID Card from the MFA.


I am a national of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland and was internationally recruited by UNDP. My family members are also EU/EEA/Swiss citizens, do they need to register with the MFA?


Dependent family members who are EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and who do not hold a diplomatic passport may choose to register as EU-citizens with the State Administration (Statsforvaltningen). In case of registration in Denmark with the State Administration and subsequent registration as a resident in Denmark, dependent family members may not be registered with the Protocol Department, they are not dependent family members according to the Vienna Convention or relevant Host Agreements, and they do not enjoy any diplomatic privileges or immunities. 

I am a national of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland and was internationally recruited by UNDP. My family members are not EU/EEA/Swiss citizens, do they need to register with the MFA?

It depends where you, as a Staff member choose to be registered -  State administration or the Protocol Department. Your family members must follow you.

I am a national of a country outside the EU/EEA countries or Switzerland. I have been internationally recruited by UNDP. Do I need to register with the Protocol Department, MFA? What type of card will I be issued?       

As a national of a country outside the EU/EEA area or Switzerland who has been internationally recruited (GS, IP or IC), you must be registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Protocol Department in Denmark. You will be issued a residence permit. The residence permit card is proof that the holder has been granted residence in Denmark. It also serves as an ID card proving identity of the holder and includes an "administrative" CPR-number.

Persons registered with the Protocol Department must not register with the Danish authorities and must not obtain a "resident" CPR-number.

I am a national of a country outside the EU/EEA countries or Switzerland. I have been internationally recruited by UNDP. My family members are also from countries outside the EU/EEA area or Switzerland, do they need to register with the MFA?

The same rule as per the staff member applies for his family members.

I am a national of a country outside the EU/EEA countries or Switzerland. I have been internationally recruited by UNDP. My family members are EU/EEA/Swiss citizens, do they need to register with the MFA?

Dependent family members who are EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and who do not hold a diplomatic passport may choose to register as EU-citizens with the State Administration (Statsforvaltningen). In case of registration in Denmark with the State Administration and subsequent registration as a resident in Denmark, dependent family members may not be registered with the Protocol Department, they are not dependent family members according to the Vienna Convention or relevant Host Agreements, and they do not enjoy any diplomatic privileges or immunities. 


I am a UNDP internationally recruited staff member and a national of a country outside the EU/EEA countries or Switzerland. My family members are also from countries outside the EU/EEA area or Switzerland. They will join me in Copenhagen at a later date. Can I apply for their residence permits upon my arrival in Copenhagen?

You can only submit an application for residence permit in respect of your accompanying eligible dependents once they are in Denmark. Copy of the entry visa and entry date must be included in the application for residence permit.


What is the process for Registration/Application for Residence Permits/ ID Cards for internationally recruited staff members with the Protocol Department?

Please submit the following documents to GSSU MFA Services who will process the application:

  • Copy of Personnel Action Form (PAF)
  • Registration Form for each applicant
  • Copy of passports of staff member, spouse and children, if applicable (person details page, visa and entry stamp page)
  • Copy of UNLP only if used to enter the country (person details page and entry visa page)
  • 2 photos for each applicant

The whole process can take up to one month. You are therefore urged to  forward your documents to GSSU MFA Services as soon as possible.


What documents do I need to submit for renewal of my Residence Permit/ID Card with the Protocol Department?

The following documents are required for the renewal of ID cards and residence permit cards:

  • Personnel Action Form (PAF)
  • Registration Form for each applicant
  • Copy of passports of staff member (spouse and children if applicable)
  • 2 photos for each applicant


I am registered with the Protocol Department, MFA, can I also register with the State Authorities and obtain a "resident" CPR-number?


National of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland should follow the rules and procedures described in the answer for the first question of this document.

Nationals of a country outside the EU/EEA countries or Switzerland registered with the Protocol Department must not register with the Danish authorities and must not obtain a "resident" CPR-number.


What is the difference between a "resident" CPR-number and an "administrative" CPR-number?

Resident" CPR-numbers are issued by the CPR office of the Ministry of Economy and the Interior to persons permanently residing in Denmark. These numbers entitle the holders to have access to social security, free healthcare and free education, etc.

Administrative" CPR-numbers are issued by the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to staff members of the United Nations and their family members who are registered with the Protocol Department. These numbers do not carry rights, but will facilitate the registration and identification of the holders. The administrative CPR-number also entitles the holder to obtain NemID which is the access system required for communication with banks, insurance companies, public authorities in Denmark etc. However, It does not allow the holders to have access to social security, free healthcare and free education, etc.

I am an internationally recruited staff member, does my spouse need a work permit in order to work in Denmark?

Spouses/Partners of internationally recruited staff members who have been issued a residence permit by the Protocol Department, MFA are not required to have a work permit in order to work in Denmark. The residence permit issued by Protocol Department, MFA  is also a work permit.


Can children above the age of 21 be issued residence permits?

With special permission, unmarried children between the ages of 21 and 23 may continue to enjoy privileges and immunities on condition that they are already attending an accredited institution of higher learning (i.e. university or similar) on a full-time basis in Denmark and remain part of the household of the diplomat. In such cases, proof of enrolment must be presented to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the request for renewal of the child's ID card/residence permit card.

Reference (Paragraph 1.9, page 9)

Guide for Diplomats in Denmark


Can same sex spouses and or partners in other kinds of domestic partnerships be issued visas to accompany international staff?

Yes. If the spouse is recognized by UNDP as spouse.


Can secondary dependents be issued Danish residence permits?

Yes, if the secondary dependent is recognized by UNDP as secondary dependent. However, each case needs to be consulted with the Protocol Department, MFA. If you have any plans to have your secondary dependent in Denmark, please let GSSU MoFA Services to know about it in advance. 


Can maids be issued visas to accompany internationally recruited staff?

Since 1 January 2015 the Ministry of Foreign affairs has been authorized to issue residence and work permits to expatriate private servants working in the domestic household of a diplomat. A contract must be signed by both parties and certified by the diplomatic mission/international organisation as guarantor for expenses and approved by the Protocol before the private servant can obtain visa to enter Denmark. Please see details/requirements in Guide for Diplomats in Denmark  (Paragraph 1.5, page 6).

I am a locally recruited staff member, do I need to be registered with the MFA? What is the process?

GSSU MFA Services notifies the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Protocol Department about all UNDP staff members. Please submit the following documents to GSSU MFA Services who will process your application:

  • Personnel Action Form (PAF)
  • Registration Form
  • Copy of Danish Residence Permit (if applicable)
  • Copy of passport (Nordic nationals only)
  • Copy of your renewed Danish Residence Permit must be forwarded to GSSU MFA Services

At the end of my assignment in Denmark, should I return my residence permit/ID card?

Departure (Separations/Reassignments) of all staff members must be reported to the Protocol Department as soon as possible. Residence permits/identity cards of internationally recruited staff members must be returned to GSSU MFA Services for onward forwarding to the Protocol Department. Exit visa will be issued in the staff members' passport. Processing time is approximately two weeks.

Note that exit visas are not required for EU citizens.

I have changed my address. Should I inform anyone?

You must inform your HR focal person and GSSU MFA Services whenever you change your address. GSSU MFA Services will notify MFA Protocol Services who will ensure that your address is updated in the relevant Danish authority databases.

I am relocating to another country. Will my mail be forwarded?

You are advised to notify Post Danmark of your new mailing address in order for them to forward your mail. Note that newspapers, magazines and packages will not be forwarded but will be returned to the sender.

As a UNDP staff member, can I purchase goods from specialized retailers of duty free goods?

Internationally recruited IP staff members are entitled to purchase goods from Peter Justesen a worldwide retailer of duty free goods. Staff members register through Peter Justesen website and order directly. A Customs Declaration form will be generated in 4 copies. All 4 copies need to be signed by the designated authorities and stamped. Staff members have an option to collect their purchase from Peter Justesen or to have their purchase sent to their home address.

As a UNDP staff member, do I have to pay duties and taxes on goods and services purchased locally?

VAT (MOMS) is reimbursed to internationally recruited staff members from P5 level and above. Not applicable to Danish nationals. VAT (MOMS) is reimbursed on all goods and services which have been purchased in Denmark and which are not mentioned in the list of non-exemption. Detailed information on Reimbursement of VAT can be found in the Guide for Diplomats in Denmark (page 25). Further guidance can be provided by the focal person for VAT Reimbursement in Common Services.

As a UNDP staff member, am I entitled to VAT exempt purchases in other EU countries?

Internationally recruited staff members from P5 level and above are entitled to VAT exempt purchases from other EU countries. Not applicable to Danish nationals. The staff members complete the EU VAT and Excise Duty Exemption Certificate and submit it to GSSU MFA Services. The document will be signed by the UNDP Director, stamped, certified by the Protocol Department and then returned to the staff member for submission to the seller at the time of purchase.  

As a UNDP staff member, upon recruitment, can I import my personal belongings free of duties and taxes? Are there any time limitations?

Internationally recruited staff members may import personal belongings, including one motor vehicle free of customs duty within one year of arrival in Denmark. Staff members need to complete the Customs Declaration (13.006) and submit it to GSSU MFA Services who will process the request. After the Certificate is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the staff members take care of the next steps of clearing the shipment with the customs office and registration of the motor vehicle.

Other rules may apply to Danish nationals being reassigned to Denmark. Please consult your HR focal point prior to your travel to Denmark.


As a UNDP staff member, can I purchase a Motor vehicle duty free?

Internationally recruited staff members are entitled to purchase motor vehicles free of customs duty:

  • General Service staff members may purchase duty free vehicles within one year of arrival in Denmark
  • P1 to P4 may purchase duty free vehicles once every three years
  • P5 and above, there is no fixed limit to the number of vehicles a staff member may possess but the number may not exceed what might be considered reasonable considering the household
  • Other rules may apply to Danish nationals reassigned to Denmark, please contact your HR focal point before purchasing a vehicle

The staff member should complete, sign and submit the following documents to GSSU MFA Services:

  1. Motor Vehicle Certification
  2. Motor Vehicle Declaration (if applicable)
  3. Customs Declaration (13.006) 

The application for purchase of duty free motor vehicle will be processed by GSSU MFA Services. Please do not make any commitments to buy a car until the approved certificate is returned to you.

As an internationally recruited UNDP staff member, I imported a car and registered it free of customs and excise duties. When do I have the right to sell it?

According to the host agreement between UNDP and Danish MFA, UNDP staff member is not allowed to sell the car before 2 years (3 years if it is to be sold duty and tax free). If the staff member is leaving before 2 years a dispensation may be given.

Can I change my foreign driving licence to a Danish driving licence?

You are not able to exchange your national driving licence for a Danish driving licence. You and your dependent family members may drive a motor vehicle in Denmark provided you are in possession of one of the following valid licences:

  • A driving licence issued in an EU/EEA country or Swidzerland
  • Other non-Danish driving licences than the above mentioned, if the driving licence is drawn up in Latin letters or if it is supplemented with a translation into Danish, English or French, provided the translation is drawn up by public authority or an organization which is authorized to do so in the issuing country.
  • An international driving licence issued in accordance with the International Conventions of 24 April 1926 on Motor Traffic, 19 September 1949 on Road Traffic or 8 November 1968 on Road Traffic.


As a UNDP staff member, am I exempted of taxes for purchase of property?

Staff members or international Organizations are not exempt of taxes for purchase of real property. For the procedure of purchase of real property, please refer to Guide for Diplomats in Denmark (Chapter 20).

What is the process of opening a bank account?

Normally, it would be possible to open a bank account after having a CPR number. Some of the bank details and account opening procedures will be provided by GSSU MoFA Services for easy reference.

As a UNDP staff member, can I obtain a NemID which has access to other public services besides the bank?

The Administrative CPR number also entitles the holder to obtain NemID which is the access system requires for communication with banks, insurance companies, public authorities in Denmark etc.''



Guide for Diplomats in Denmark

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GSSU MFA Services in Copenhagen: